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World-wide famous marketing strategists were in Marketing Forum

MediaCat by the 8th of this year Marketing Forum held in world-renowned marketing strategists Al Ries and Laura Ries, How are we to decide Jonah Lehrer, author of the bestselling and Ogilvy & Mather India and South Asia, President and Creative Director Piyush Pandey and Trademark Agency welcomed President Hulusi Derici. Main sponsor of the event was Turkish Airlines, Brand and Starcom MediaVest Group’s session was sponsored by Turkey’s bronze sponsorships and Marin’s.

Four Seasons Bosphorus Hotel, world-renowned marketing expert speakers and industry professionals attended the event in the world-renowned marketing strategists Al Ries and Laura Ries and management, "the Board of War: Rational Executive Creative Marketers Against" by making a presentation on the board of directors meeting rooms in common light on the causes of the discussions held. Of opinion between executives and marketers, understanding, and personality differences, touching father-daughter, the right and left sides of the brain using the distinction between reality and perception, visual and verbal forms of thinking as the concepts of product and brand management and marketing of many factors gave information about the impact on staff. Pelin Özkan MediaCat Chief Marketing Forum, "the New York International Advertising Awards Campaigns" gave a speech titled. Ozkan and the Digital Age, New York Advertising Festival speech MediaCat editor of the International Awards Group (IAG) is a comprehensive cooperation agreement with MediaCat’s addressed, and this agreement, then being taken over by the representative of Turkey said that IAG. Pelin Özkan New York International Advertising Awards competition also gave information about the conditions of participation.

How we decide the other speaker of the Forum on Marketing and Proust was a neuroscientist Jonah Lehrer’s book author to speak at the Marketing Forum, took place. Lehrer, "will decide how our mind?" and "more effective to decide what can we do?" speech nörobilimlerdeki new discoveries shedding light on the questions, how the sports media leaders and decision-making in the functioning of the turning an advantage Marketing Forums how to use them all the details shared with participants.

Ogilvy & Mather India and South Asia, President and Creative Director Piyush Pandey in marketing to establish a bond with consumers, as well as universal human values based on the ideas of cultural realities underline the need to be taken into account and made a speech. Pandey said: "Marketing is moving eastward. East market is rich in history and culture of the global brands want to reach a wide audience, recognizing the more closely the culture of the east can create a very big difference. Cultural fact-based ideas in marketing to create powerful communication provides a platform for the rich. Global brands yararlanmalılar this wealth, "he said.

M.A.R.K.A Agency President Hulusi Derici "Leather with Hulusi Removing Sin Sessions Volume One entitled " interesting presentation received great interest from participants.

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